WordPress dominates 40% of the world’s websites

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Did you know that 40% of websites in the world use WordPress? Quoted from W3Tech, one of the Austrian consulting firms that surveyed the top 10 million sites on alexa rankings has proven that WordPress has dominated 60% of CMS (Content Management System) users worldwide such as Joomla, Drupal, Magento and Shopify. That means WordPress has controlled 40% of the website market in the world.

40% of Websites in the World Use WordPress

You’re a beginner in the world of websites? Ever heard of WordPress before? Quoted from Wikipedia, WordPress is an open-source application based on CMS (Content Management System) that is quite popular because of its ability to modify according to the needs of its users. Wait. Don’t assume that this is the usual WordPress ending *.wordpress.com that yes! WordPress this time has advanced and developed.

You can create any website at your own pace with just WordPress and domain and hosting. Some world famous websites use WordPress such as CNN, Reuters, The New York Times and even TechCrunch. Why? Because WordPress is perfect for beginners even someone who does not understand how to create a website, though. Want to know what percent of websites use WordPress as their platform? Let’s find out!

wordpress dominated 40%

WordPress Is Easy to Create

No wonder WordPress can control about 40% of the website market in the world. This is because of all the conveniences that WordPress offers from the start of the installation process, customization, content management, performance and security.

The presence of WordPress seems to make dreams come true. From housewives to business people can create websites without having to understand the programming language. In terms of installation, WordPress is very easy to do. All you need is a domain and hosting.

Many service providers offer wordpress hosting with diverse features. This makes it very easy for beginners if they want to create their own website. There is even a sharp move with just one click then the website is ready.

Attractive and Powerful Design

Website you have installed, then how in terms of appearance? Website display is a first impression for visitors. Therefore, make sure you have an attractive website design and appearance.

Don’t worry, with WordPress you can choose the theme/template you want. You can also add additional plugins such as responsive slider, photo collapse and so on. There are various themes with interesting designs and of course keep up with the times.

Attractive and Powerful Design

Don’t Be Afraid, WordPress Is Safe!

There are many questions about WordPress website security? Is a WordPress website safe? There is no system that is 100% safe, but preventive measures do not harm, right? WordPress always upgrades every version. Well the upgrade process is done to close all existing security gaps.

Make sure you always upgrade to the latest version to make your website safe! In addition, WordPress also provides various security plugins. There are also tips on how to secure WordPress that you can follow for free! make sure you also use the best WordPress Indonesia hosting with various protections in it such as Antimalware Imunify360, Memcached and CloudFlare such as other Hosting.

Easy to Use

How to manage my website in WordPress?Is it easy? Yes! Take it easy.WordPress is basically the same as a regular blog. You can add articles, add categories, add images and so on. The look and how to use WordPress is very easy especially for beginners. Therefore, WordPress has had until now become a favorite among the public! For more details, please visit wordpress.org.

SEO Friendly

What is the meaning of a website without content and SEO. Search Engine Optimization is one way to increase website traffic so that it can be in the top rank on search engines. Who wouldn’t want his website to be on the first page of Google and postion in the first rank. If your website is on the first page of Google, automatically more frequently clicked and opened visitors right. Imagine if you had an online store or catering website. When someone searches at Google with the keyword “cheap catering”, then the website will appear and people will open your website. Well, Domicibulkova has tips on how to get websites to appear on the first page of Google.

Still hesitant to use WordPress as your website? Hmm… If you are afraid of not being able to use and operate, you can follow the tutorial How to Create Your Own Website with WordPress. However, before you have to have a cheap domain and the best hosting first yes Domicibulkova! You can order The Domain and Hosting Saving Package at a price that does not drain the contents of the wallet!

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