Easy Ways to Set Up Instagram Shopping

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If you want to sell products online, you’ll need to use Instagram Shopping. A feature that allows Instagram visitors to choose or buy products very easily. Only through an Instagram app from their smartphone.

As we know together that every month Instagram users always increase. And it’s likely that your business customers are already in and have an account on Instagram.

With Instagram shopping, you can make it easier for your business customers to get or buy your products only through posts on Instagram business.

In this article, We’ll talk about What is Instagram Shopping, Why should you use Instagram Shopping?

How do I organize posts and stories on Instagram Shopping?

And how to optimize what your posts can buy to drive user sales and engagement.

What is Instagram Shopping?

What is Instagram Shopping?

Is one of the features on Instagram that has the best advantages, which can make it easier for customers to shop the products they want directly only from the Instagram application.

And customers can immediately see photos of products and their prices displayed on photos or videos of your Instagram account.

Why Should You Use Instagram Shopping?

Why Should You Use Instagram Shopping?

The reason is clear, Instagram is one of the important platforms for a retail brand with 200 million active users of around 200 million and even more who visit this app.

At least one business profile every day will be positively affected by the Instagram app.
In the old days, you only used Instagram to build an audience and connect with your followers. Or encourage them to visit your website or offline store.

But since the arrival of Instagram Shopping in 2017, This app can be used by a brand to update their business profile into a virtual store.

Users can shop directly from the Instagram app in one very easy transaction.

The chances are obvious, it must be huge! About 70% of your Instagram account followers shop using the Instagram app.

And it’s easy to find the product they want because 130 million users click on your shopping post at least once every month.

In just a few simple ways, you can set up Instagram Shopping to open up an easy and enjoyable shopping experience for your customers.

How to Set Up Instagram Shopping

How to Set Up Instagram Shopping

Starting to set up Instagram shopping certainly takes a bit of a struggle, but We’re here to be sure once you’ve read this article, you can build an IG store very easily! Here are some ways to set it up.

Confident That You Have Completed the Requirements

The first step Before you set up Instagram shopping, it’s a good idea to make sure that your business meets 3 (three) standards as below:

  1. You’re from or live in a country where Instagram Shopping is available. You need to check if there is such a feature in your country. Also, the products you can sell on Instagram shopping are only real or physical products only.
  2. You must have a business account profile on Instagram. If your account was previously created as a personal profile account, you don’t have to worry! You can easily change your Instagram account settings to a business account profile.
  3. You’ve integrated your business Instagram account profile into your Facebook Page. This is so that you can set up a catalog of products that you own on Facebook.

Create a List of Your Business Products in the Facebook Catalog.

When you enter this paragraph, it means you have successfully added your business products to the list in the Facebook catalog. The next thing you need to do is the tag or add your product in posts or on your Instagram account stories.

Tip: When you want to add multiple products, make sure the name of the product you want to add better describes the product in question so that users can easily know what items are in the photos you’ve tagged before.

For example, “Brick,” doesn’t tell you what products to sell, but if you write like this: “Brick Leather Shoes” is more understandable and more useful.

Getting Approval For Instagram Shopping

Getting Approval For Instagram Shopping

The next step you can do after you provide your product catalog is to get approval from Instagram or Facebook. You can distribute your Instagram account for review by Instagram whether your account meets all the requirements or not.

Here’s how: You can go to Settings on your business Instagram account, then click Business, then click Sign up for Instagram Shopping. Please follow the step by step, if it is appropriate you can directly click send.

Finished! All you have to do is wait for the review process. You need to know that Instagram takes a few days to process.

Start Enabling Instagram Shopping Features

In this step, you mean one step further to use Instagram’s shopping features in your business account. When your account has been approved by Instagram, you can already watch the latest features located at the bottom of your account settings called Shopping. You can click Shop right away to bring the feature to life.

Preparing Your First Post

In this step, of course, you are ripe to start making your first sale using the Instagram shopping feature. The first thing you can do is upload or upload a photo of your product on Instagram. You can name or tag multiple products (up to five products) in a single feed post or post in the form of a video.

You can start by writing the name of any product you want to tag or tag. Make sure in tagging the product, you need to customize it with the name of the product in your Facebook catalog.

When you want to post a product using Instagram’s shopping feature.
You can find it easily just by looking at the “shopping bag” symbol located in the right corner at the top of the post.

Failed to Set Up Instagram Shopping, What Causes It?

Once you know how to set up Instagram Shopping, not a few business owners have trouble even failing to set up or something to miss.

FAQs and other things you might have missed when setting up Instagram Shopping. Here are the key points:

Selling Physical Products

In posting products on Instagram shopping, it is not allowed to use digital products or services (services) or in the form of vouchers. The reason is very clear as stated in the terms of Instagram Shopping itself.


For Instagram shopping settings to run smoothly, one of the things you should pay attention to is that you need to have a website in your domain (Example: yourname.com).

By having your domain name, make sure your business can meet one of the requirements in setting up Instagram Shopping.

E-commerce Websites Must Be Connected With FB Catalog

Another requirement to note is that your e-commerce website must already be connected to the FB catalog. There are 3 (three) ways that can be done to add products in the Facebook catalog is to upload (upload) manually, through Facebook Pixel, or Data Feed.

But there is another easier way to use a platform that has been integrated with the default account of Facebook such as SIRCLO, Shopify, Berdu, or using plugins such as Facebook for WooCommerce, Magento, Prestashop, and so on.

URL Links in the Catalog Must Point to Your Site

One of the other things you need to pay attention to is that the URL link of each product in the FB catalog should point to your domain, you can’t navigate to your marketplace account.

This is already a mandatory rule imposed by Facebook. If a business account is in the process of applying for Instagram Shopping to redirect the URL to the marketplace link, the account application will certainly be rejected.

All Your Business Facebook Accounts Must Be In 1 Business Manager

Another thing that is often violated when doing Instagram shopping settings is that business facebook accounts (such as Facebook Page, Instagram Page, Ad Account, and Facebook Catalog) are not in 1 Business Manager.

All you need to do is when you want to create a business Facebook account, make sure the names are the same and put them together in 1 Business Manager. This needs to be done to make Facebook easier to do approval.

Note: for those of you whose Instagram account is already Instagram Business, the business manager has been created automatically by Facebook. You just need to set it by going to the Business Settings section, then tidy up the permissions for Facebook Page, Instagram Page, Ad Account, and FB Catalog.

Already Advertised on Ad Account

This sixth point is an optional option (can be done or not), but if you have already done ads in the Add Account located in the Business Manager, your Instagram shopping will certainly be easier to approve by Facebook.


After knowing how to easily set up Instagram shopping and other things that can frustrate Instagram shopping settings, now you can try it and pay more attention to the requirements imposed no matter how small the requirements.

Hopefully, this article is useful for you, especially those who want to use Instagram shopping for your business purposes.

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